It is with huge sadness that we announce the location of Tiny Shelter will be changing in August, so, very soon…. We are moving, just as we had truly finished all the final touches where we currently are at our BEAUTIFUL HAVEN, Tiny Shelter.! 😔

The house and land we are on has been sold and we have no option but to move and start all over again. It’s such bitter, devastating news and simply exhausting at the thought. 😪 It’s our third move in 7 years. We’ve been unlucky. The thought of giving up crossed our minds … fleetingly. But how can we? Where would our boys and girls go? How could we turn our backs on them and all the daily suffering around us?😭 We recently re-homed our 1000th dog – now is not the time for giving up!

And so with this realisation came hope and support – Massive support from the most wonderful group of people who have enabled us to secure a plot of land near Guia and create our forever home. Somewhere we will never have to move from. Somewhere our dogs will always be cared for and loved until they find their new family. 🙏🙏Our disappointment has been replaced with excitement and sleepless nights!

This is no small task. There is so much work to be done at huge expense. We need to prepare the land, install electric, connect water, build new houses/boxes and fence a huge area, let alone each area the dogs will live in. We cannot move our current stable like houses or the fenced boxes immediately to the new plot because the dogs need them whilst we are building at the new spot. Logistically it’s a nightmare 🥺 which creates so much expense.

Our supporters have been outstandingly kind to us over the years. You have already done so much for us/the dogs. And we know we constantly ask for more … keep pushing. And you keep supporting us. But we truly CAN’T do this without you!!! The land is paid for by some very special people.😇. What we need now is donations to build at the new shelter. Yes, it’s a gigantic ask, but this is a secure future and our best option. And with our experience of moving and creating from scratch we know we will be giving our dogs more area and time to play and run free. We will create several play areas not just one.

We were already proud of our current beautiful shelter and the love and care we give our dogs. But this new space allows us to give the dogs an even better more active life. So, out of a desperate situation, the possibility of the challenge ahead being too great, we have regrouped and are ready to take on what will be an exhausting few months. We are going to do it!!! We have to do it !!!

So please, from the bottom of our hearts support us once again and help us continue to correct all the wrongs humans inflict or ignore. !🙏🙏🙏🙏We are grateful for everything you do. FORGIVE US for asking again.😪😪 But without your support it becomes impossible.The costs will run into many thousands of euros and we have only 3 months to raise funds and rebuild from scratch.

IF you can donate, PLEASE kindly do so via the following routes:

Ways to donate

Bank transfer

Associação Tiny Shelter

NIB: 0045 7012 40355812423 06

IBAN : PT 50 0045 7012 4035 5812 4230 6


Crédito Agrícola


[email protected]

Via teaming

Our group for micro donations (1€ per month):


We set up a GO FUND ME PAGE for the move:

Drop in donations at the shelter


  • Fencing pannels, white, 2.5m x 2m high ,
  • cement ,
  • sand ,
  • FENCING ROLLS 2 m high ,
  • plumbing materials ,
  • paint of all colours /white + bright colours /
  • green netting rolls for shade ,
  • fast growing and not poisonous plants and trees like oranges, lemons, figs, olives, … .

Thank you !! OBRIGADA ! Dankie Wel, vielen Dank❤❤

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